Due to time constraints, our Batch Core Group has decided to postpone our homecoming this year to 2013, our 40th. Please bear with us. Thanks, kabatch! :)

Please leave a message :)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Kabatch Christmas Party during the NDDU annual alumni homecoming

Batch '73 had its joint Christmas Party during the annual alumni homecoming of NDDU. Kabatch Angie Catapang-Bongcawil sponsored the delicious 4-course dinner while Efren Felisan brought a delectable lechon.

Kabatch Glyn, proudly Batch '73
Kabatch Loi Guzman and Nene Duran


Daboys Monching Trespeces, Toto Soguilon, Winston Jabonillo,
Jing Alvarado, Ranie Mullanida & Vir Lauzon